Virtual Reality for Corporate Events: The Ultimate Guide

Virtual Reality for corporate events

There has been a lot of hype surrounding virtual reality (VR) over the last decade. The experience is new, interactive, and unbelievably thrilling. A number of global giants, including Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook, invested billions to build hardware, create software, and produce applications. 

It is becoming increasingly clear to professionals that VR can transform events and help them succeed. Using Virtual Reality for corporate events will allow your attendees to explore another world; a truly innovative and awe-inspiring idea.

As VR becomes more ubiquitous, more and more restaurants are popping up, car manufacturers turn mundane road trips into action-packed theme parks, breweries are offering sensory tours through VR, and some schools are using VR to teach about road safety.

Adding VR to your next conference, trade show, or exhibit will ensure a memorable, engaging, and profitable presence. 

Here, we’ll show you how to use VR at events and what you need to know.👇

Using Virtual Reality for Corporate Events

It has been much slower than expected for consumers to adopt VR for gaming and entertainment at home, but events and enterprises have been quick to realize its potential.

1. Meetings and conferences using VR:

Virtual reality can be an excellent tool for team-building exercises and business activities that strengthen goals and promote strategic thinking. For attendees who have never met, a VR activity is a great icebreaker. People can work in teams by playing virtual reality puzzles and games that get them involved in the process. 

Rather than just talking to their audience through endless PowerPoint slides or words, more businesses want to show their audience. What if instead of just talking about a subject during a keynote address, you immersed the audience in it? Participants put on headsets as the presenter continues to address them while exploring a simulation of the material being discussed.

2. Trade shows, exhibitions, and fairs with VR:

By offering a VR experience, you can engage visitors to your display or stand with your brand. The best way to stand out and be remembered is to engage them in a branded challenge or demonstration that gets their adrenaline pumping.

Exhibitions and trade fairs could benefit from this application of VR to generate sales and leads.

3. Use VR for product launches or training seminars:

The theory goes that doing is far better than just watching or hearing. Virtual reality is the next best thing when you can’t demonstrate a new product, service, or solution physically. 

Due to its cost-effectiveness and resemblance to real-life situations, VR makes for an excellent training platform. Users feel real when they use simulations. Despite making a decision that seems impactful, users still have the option to change or refreeze it.

4. Recruiting Talent at a career fair:

You can make your campaign more effective by using the right technology to appeal to your target market. It is no secret that VR is popular among younger users. It is estimated that 50% of those between the age groups of 20-29 and 30-39 are extremely interested in virtual reality, while only 6% are not at all interested.

5. Charity events with VR:

Show donors the real impact of their donation in a way they can almost touch and feel. Show them exactly what you can achieve by guiding them through a ‘before and after’ experience. The VR campaign accomplishes something that many cause-driven organizations struggle to do across the globe. Using virtual reality, donors can see exactly where their money is going and how it is being used.

6. Sales and launch events with VR:

VR can help salesforces understand a product and your objectives better, from virtual factory tours to product experiences. In addition to the event, a portable VR version of the content can be used to inspire their customers! Instead of bringing just products to tradeshows, some companies are using VR technology to bring the entire building.

Would VR be a good fit for your event?

Rather than relying on video alone, create an immersive experience that engages, interacts, and persuades. You can easily leverage virtual reality technology for your next event to engage and inspire your audience. You will be able to hold your audience’s attention longer and more effectively than with a traditional presentation.  The VR platform allows you to transport your audience deep into your mind’s eye. You must consider what purpose VR serves, what story it tells, and how you will acquire, customize, or create it before using it at your event.

Putting on a VR headset enables people from all over the world to meet and have the same experience in the same place. As opposed to a traditional virtual event where the participant is clearly staring at a computer screen from their living room, this is definitely one step up. 

Click here to contact us if you’re interested in incorporating virtual reality for corporate events.

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